wtorek, 26 grudnia 2017

Relacja z projektu międzynarodowego #eTwinning

Projekt The XXI century classroom jest podzielony na cztery części realizowane w odrębnych grupach. SLO dołączyło do Modułu czwartego - Nauczanie matematyki ożywione przez nowoczesne technologie. Zadaniem uczestników projektu jest przygotowanie multimedialnych materiałów przydatnych na lekcjach matematyki (filmiki, prezentacje, quizy). Uczniowie  mają szansę poznać się za pośrednictwem platformy eTwinning, wymieniają doświadczenia, poznają programy nauczania matematyki w różnych szkołach. Co najważniejsze systematyzują wiedzę matematyczną, rozwijają kompetencje językowe oraz uczą się wykorzystywać nowoczesne technologie. Działania rozpoczęły się po powrocie ze szkolenia w Berlinie w listopadzie 2017 i trwają do końca roku szkolnego.

A oto opis działań po angielsku:
This project will be conducted on several levels. On each level the project will have a liaison person in Croatia and at least one international partner and will be responsible for their own part of the project which will in the end be presented as a part of the whole result.
Level 1: The World War I Centenary,
Level 2: The Online Personal Financial Planning, 
Level 3: Apps & Outdoor Learning, 
Level 4: Maths Teaching Livened up by ICT,
Level 5: Private Tours by Local Guides - in English and German.


To engage in a historical topic (the WWI) through an art form, to develop creativity and interest in historical topics and the ability to work in a group; to modernize historical sciences and create multimedia historical content intended for students for easier studying; to share students’ experience on weekly budget planning through TwinSpace: students will track their weekly cost and find a way to earn enough money for both their weekly allowance and future savings; to plan an outdoor activity with thoroughly planned activities and tasks for students to do using different apps; to develop math literacy, enhance learning and motivate students for self-study by using quizzes, games and social networks in regular teaching; to apply various forms of computer technology in teaching and extracurricular activities; to make our schools more digital in terms of teaching and management and increase schools’ visibility; to improve ICT and language competences of both teachers and students.


The project will end in June 2017. At each level, 2-4 participants will be in charge of a little project of their own and responsible for publishing their results in the eTwinning platform and the TwinSpace, which will be used for communication and for sharing our project outcomes with the wider community. 
Once the project has closed, each participant country will apply for the quality label in their respective country and other prizes in the eTwinning platform. Each level will be planned in several steps and finally project evaluation will be carried out and we will apply for the quality label.


The final outputs of the project will be:
Level 1: A 30-minute film
Level 2: The online personal financial plan 
Level 3: A short film, a brochure, a flyer and photo notes on outdoor learning
Level 4: ICT in Maths: a short film on Functions, mind maps, Socrative and Kahoot quizzes, Study Stack games
Level 5: Brochures / leaflets / digital posters or mind-maps about students' area; a virtual visit to a partner’s town and writing a virtual travel blog; an interactive quiz.
Padlet 1: How has this project changed the way I teach using ICT? - teachers
Padlet 2: How has this project changed the way I use ICT for school? - students
 Projekt prowadzi: dr Julia Wódka, nauczyciel matematyki

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